Black Lanterns
by Jad Atoui
4 cuts selected from various jam sessions on modular synth and a drum machine. Recorded between Brooklyn and Beirut and exported with minimal edits - Jad Atoui
released May 19, 2020
Black Lanterns by Jad Atoui, released 19 May 2020 1. Signals 2. Abslt0 3. Alpha 60 4. Black Lanterns 4 cuts selected from various jam sessions on modular synth and a drum machine. Recorded between Brooklyn and Beirut and exported with minimal edits - Jad Atoui
4 cuts selected from various jam sessions on modular synth and a drum machine. Recorded between Brooklyn and Beirut and exported with minimal edits - Jad Atoui
released May 19, 2020